Hearing Aid Maintenance

At Fidelity Hearing Centre, we offer comprehensive hearing aid maintenance services to keep your devices performing at their best. Whether you’ve had your hearing aids for 5 days or 5 years, our expert audiologists can ensure they are programmed to your current prescription and are in optimal working order.

Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your hearing aids but also guarantees you continue to experience the best possible hearing.

Why Choose Fidelity Hearing Centre?

Trust Fidelity Hearing Centre to provide the care and adjustments needed to keep your hearing aids functioning flawlessly and ensure your hearing health is in expert hands.

Real Ear Measurements/Verifications

Just as each person’s fingerprint is different and unique, so are our ears.  We use real ear measurements to ensure your hearing aids are precisely programmed to your unique hearing profile, providing accurate and effective amplification.

Acoustics Review

Just because your hearing aid was initially fitted a certain way doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. Your ears or hearing may change over time, requiring a review or change in acoustics. We assess the acoustics of your hearing aids, including domes and moulds, to find the best fit for your comfort and hearing needs.

Electroacoustic Responses Using HIT Box Measurements.

Our advanced HIT box measurements check the electroacoustic performance of your hearing aids, ensuring they continue to meet manufacturer standards.

Personalised Care

Our dedicated team provides tailored advice and adjustments to optimise your hearing aids for your individual lifestyle and preference.